Jobs + Careers

We are always looking for talented individuals.

Find out all about jobs at CLAAS and read about our company.

Jobs + Careers

We are always looking for talented individuals.

Find out all about jobs at CLAAS and read about our company.

Your CLAAS contact

For opportunities or questions within the UK, please contact our HR Team:

Jess Goodchild
Head of Human Resources

Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP28 6QZ
United Kingdom
Tel: 01284 763100, Email:

Tips for your successful application

The first impression counts. Since the initial selection is often made based on your application, here are some tips to help you, to make a good first impression with your application.

  • Where do I apply for what?
  • Your application documents

    An effective application to CLAAS must include:

    • A separate cover letter stating the relevant job advertisement
    • A tabular CV
    • Copies of all relevant certificates

    Missing documents or excessive documentation make the selection process more difficult for our human resources department and reduce your chances of success. Please make sure your application should make a good visual impression.

    Your cover letter should answer the following questions:

    • How did the company come to your attention (job advertisements, Internet, etc.)?
    • What are your qualifications and your interests?
    • What are your reasons for choosing your occupation?
    • Why are you applying specifically for a job at CLAAS?

    Please avoid standard letters with formulations such as "I would hereby like to apply for…" – try to give your application a personal touch and thus make us notice you. Your application is at the same time your first work sample and reflects your enagement, creativity and reliability.


  • Preparing for an interview

    Your first face-to-face meeting is approaching. We are excited about it and so are you. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask us plenty of questions and present yourself from your best side. To ensure that you are prepared for the interview, you should find out as much as you can about our company in advance. You will find a lot of information and useful facts about CLAAS on our website. During the interview, take advantage of the opportunity to impress us with your personality and your commitment. We look forward to your interview!